مشخصات پژوهش

صفحه نخست /Free vibration analysis of ...
عنوان Free vibration analysis of magneto-rheological smart annular three-layered plates subjected to magnetic field in viscoelastic medium
نوع پژوهش مقاله چاپ‌شده
کلیدواژه‌ها smart materials; magneto-rheological fluids; magneto-strictive materials; vibration analysis; annular plate; visco-pasternak foundation
چکیده Magneto-rheological fluids and magneto-strictive materials are of the well-known smart materials which are used to control and reduce the vibrations of the structures. Vibration analysis of a smart annular three-layered plate is provided in this work. MR fluids are used as the core’s material type and the face sheets are made from MS materials and is assumed they are fully bonded to each other. The structure is rested on visco-Pasternak foundation and also is subjected to a transverse magnetic field. The governing motion equations are derived based on CPT and employing Hamilton’s principle and are solved via GDQ as a numerical method for various boundary conditions. Effect of different parameters on the results are considered and discussed in detail. One of the salient features of this work is the consideration of MR fluids as the core, MS materials as the faces, and all of them under magnetic field. The outcomes of this study may be led to design and create smart structures such as sensors, actuators and also dampers.
پژوهشگران زهرا خدامی مرقی (نفر سوم)، سعید امیر (نفر اول)، احسان آرشید (Ehsan Arshid) (نفر دوم)