tIn this research, the residence time distribution (RTD) approach was used for the down-comer of the special-shaped triangular external loop airlift reactor (EL-ALR) by applying amodified downcomer to describe the flow pattern and dispersion behavior. Moreover, theeffects of the three parameters of the superficial gas velocities of the downcomer and riser(Vgs1and Vgs2, respectively), and the angle of the hypotenuse (˛) were studied. Response sur-face methodology (RSM) was applied to analyze the results statistically and also to optimizethe mixing conditions. In addition, the Bodenstein number (Bo), liquid velocity (UL), andaxial dispersion coefficient (Dax) were determined. A mathematical relationship with a highaccuracy was developed for the prediction of Bo number in the reactor downcomer. Also,it was shown that the reactor configuration was the most significant factor among all thestudied parameters that affected the reactor performance. As a result of the RTD analysis,the flow pattern had been tended to be perfectly mixed. In this regard, the obtained valuesof Bo number were within the range 7.18–11.21 that confirmed this finding. The predictedoptimum conditions (˛ = 60◦, Vgs1= 0.005 m/s, and Vgs2= 0.019 m/s) were validated using theexperimental control test, indicating a small deviation of ±0.39.