مشخصات پژوهش

صفحه نخست /Mathematical modeling of ...
عنوان Mathematical modeling of ethanol production in solid-state fermentation based on solid medium’ dry weight variation
نوع پژوهش مقاله چاپ‌شده
کلیدواژه‌ها Bioethanol; dry weight variation; mathematical modeling; microbial kinetics , solid-state fermentation; volatile product
چکیده In this work, mathematical modeling of ethanol production in solid-state fermentation (SSF) has been done based on the variation in the dry weight of solid medium. This method was previously used for mathematical modeling of enzyme production; however, the model should be modified to predict the production of a volatile compound like ethanol. The experimental results of bioethanol production from the mixture of carob pods and wheat bran by Zymomonas mobilis in SSF were used for the model validation. Exponential and logistic kinetic models were used for modeling the growth of microorganism. In both cases, the model predictions matched well with the experimental results during the exponential growth phase, indicating the good ability of solid medium weight variation method for modeling a volatile product formation in solid-state fermentation. In addition, using logistic model, better predictions were obtained.
پژوهشگران داود مظاهری تهرانی (نفر اول)، سیدعباس شجاع الساداتی (نفر دوم)، سید محمد موسوی (نفر چهارم)، سیدمرتضی ضمیر (نفر سوم)