مشخصات پژوهش

صفحه نخست /A study of Prof. Alireza ...
عنوان A study of Prof. Alireza Ashrafi's research in graph
نوع پژوهش مقاله ارائه شده
کلیدواژه‌ها graph
چکیده Abstract. Prof. Alireza Ashra was a mathematician who works in the elds of mathe- matical chemistry, computational group theory, chemical graph theory, nite groups and mathematical physics1. He was a professor at the Department of Pure Mathematics, Fac- ulty of Mathematical Sciences, University of Kashan, Kashan, Iran. He had published more than 300 papers in international journals and has a high citation record. He has also organized and participated in many conferences and workshops on algebraic combi- natorics and graph theory. He has studied the symmetry and properties of various types of carbon nanotubes and nanotori using graph theory. Prof. Alireza Ashra had done extensive research in graph theory, especially in the areas of chemical graph theory and algebraic combinatorics. He has applied graph theory to study the symmetry, topological indices, polynomials and properties of various types of carbon nanostructures, such as fullerenes, nanotubes, nanotori and nanocones. He has also used computational group theory to investigate the permutation-inversion groups and the automorphism groups of di erent classes of graphs. In this paper, we review Prof. Alireza Ashra 's research in graph theory.
پژوهشگران محمدجواد نجفی آرانی (نفر اول)