مشخصات پژوهش

صفحه نخست /Touchard–Ritz Method to Solve ...
عنوان Touchard–Ritz Method to Solve Variable-Order Fractional Optimal Control Problems
نوع پژوهش مقاله چاپ‌شده
کلیدواژه‌ها Touchard wavelets  Variable-order fractional optimal control problems  Ritz method  Extra variable-order pseudo-operational matrix
چکیده Here, we develop an approximation method to solve a class of variable-order fractional optimal control problems (VO-FOCPs). This method is designed utilizing the Touchard wavelets, with the help of the Ritz method. To do this, we propose an extra variable-order Caputo (E-VO-C) pseudo-operational matrix, for Touchard wavelet functions. Choosing the best parameters in the Ritz method and the E-VO-C pseudo-operational matrix affects the accuracy of the method directly. The method of obtaining this matrix significantly reduces the error of the present technique. It also produces a sparse matrix, thereby reducing the computational burden. An efficient direct scheme using the expansion of only state variable, and its E-VO-E pseudo-operational matrix is implemented for the considered problem. The proposed technique converts the main problem into a programming one. A brief error estimation is discussed. Three samples are presented to display the effectiveness and precision of the suggested scheme.
پژوهشگران پریسا رحیم خانی (نفر سوم)، یداله اردوخانی (نفر دوم)، صدیقه صابرماهانی (نفر اول)