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Title Optimization of shear connectors with high strength nano concrete using soft computing techniques
Type JournalPaper
Keywords ANFIS; composite beams; C-shaped angle; forecasting; L-shaped angle; monotonic loading; push-out test; shear connectors
Abstract This paper conducted mainly for forecasting the behavior of the shear connectors in steel-concrete composite beams based on the different factors. The main goal was to analyze the influence of variable parameters on the shear strength of C-shaped and L-shaped angle shear connectors. The method of ANFIS (adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system) was applied to the data in order to select the most influential factors for the mentioned shear strength forecasting. Five inputs are considered: height, length, thickness of shear connectors together with concrete strength and respective slip of the shear connectors after testing. The ANFIS process for variable selection was also implemented in order to detect the predominant factors affecting the forecasting of the shear strength of C-shaped and L-shaped angle shear connectors. The results show that the forecasting methodology developed in this research is useful for enhancing the multiple performances characterizing in the shear strength prediction of C and L shaped angle shear connectors analyzing.
Researchers Masoud Paknahad (Third Researcher), Yousef Zandi (Second Researcher), Yadollah Sedghi (First Researcher)