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Title An Improved Model for Integrated Management Systems
Type Presentation
Keywords Integrated Management System, Classification of Requirements, Conceptual Model
Abstract In recent years, most manufacturing and service organizations and enterprises have established integrated management systems (IMS) to increase their competi-tive advantages in world markets. The purpose of this study is to increase the ef-ficiency of the IMS implementation by the development of the conceptual im-proved model for IMS and recommendations to classify management systems re-quirements, using analytical and comparative review and analysis of different sci-entific approaches in the field of IMS, graphical methods of system analysis. As an end result of the performed research, 5 classes of requirements have been de-veloped: specific, analogical, identical, and individually-specific requirements of international requirements and additionally common requirements of IMS. Ac-cording to the supplied classification, zone of integration and zone of integrated requirements have been supplied, which allowed distinguishing structural ele-ments, which conform to the distinct requirements of worldwide requirements. Definitions of concepts “integrated management system” and “common require-ments of integrated management system” and for that reason graphical conceptual improved model for the development of IMS has been given.
Researchers Andrii Chepizhnyi (Fourth Researcher), O.V. Ivchenko (Third Researcher), VILIAM ZALOGA (Second Researcher), Morteza Rajabzadeh (First Researcher)