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Title Methodology of creating a universal integrated quality control system at machine-building enterprises of the oil and gas industry
Type Presentation
Keywords complex technical system, integrated management system, standards
Abstract Machine-building is one of the key sectors of the national economy, and its development is decisive for improving the quality of products of other sectors of the national economy, for example, the oil and gas processing industries. Modern machine-building is characterized by a decrease in serial production, an expansion of the range of products, and an increase in the accuracy of their manufacturing due to high technologies using high-precision equipment and, quite often, nano-metric measuring equipment. To control the quality of products, information is needed on its parameters (indicators) at all stages of the life cycle, which is especially important at the manufacturing stage. It should be noted that at present the most frequently used methods for collecting and processing information about quality, as well as methodological and regulatory support of manufacturing technologies, as a rule, are focused on mass production, that is, they are designed for a relatively large amount of statistical information.
Researchers Nadezhda Yefimenko (Third Researcher), VILIAM ZALOGA (Second Researcher), Morteza Rajabzadeh (First Researcher)